Sunday, March 16.


  • >>19-Apr-2010: XJ650 Hardtail Chopper
  • >>07-Apr-2010: The New Everything Yamaha XJ650 Site
  • >>06-Apr-2010: Hacked
  • >>23-Jul-2009: XJ650 Adventure
  • >>26-May-2009: Green with Envy
  • >>06-Apr-2009: HOW TO: Bench Synch your Carbs
  • >>30-Mar-2009: HOW TO: Install a Headlight Modulator
  • >>27-Mar-2009: Red Beast
  • >>12-Jan-2009: HOW TO: Test a Relay
  • >>11-Jan-2009: Silver Special Maxim

XJ650 Hardtail Chopper

I came across this chopper on my countless hours spent looking at pictures of Yamaha Maxim and Seca motorcycles. I really loved the clean look of this hardtail chopper. I had the misfortune of losing my muffler on a midnight ride into Istanbul, Turkey and I remember how loud it was. Looking at the missing muffler on this motorcycle makes me cringe thinking about the noise this bad boy must unleash. The owner of this Yamaha XJ650 hardtail is a g...


The New Everything Yamaha XJ650 Site

Well after many hours in front of the computer I have given the Everything Yamaha XJ650 site a complete face lift. I hope you like the new look. T...



Over the weekend this site was hacked. I'm not sure why, it's not as if we have a huge following. I'm pretty sure it's the Honda CBR crowd jealous...


XJ650 Adventure

I know alot of people just come to this site for the great 'How-To's" and to get ideas for their XJ650 restoration projects but I wanted to direct...



HOW TO: Bench Synch your...

This is a "How-To" on bench-synching carburetors. I've noticed quite a people (me being one of them) searching for clear instructions on how to do this. At some point recently I came upon them, but I can't seem to find them anymore. So, I decided to



HOW TO: Bench Synch your...

This is a "How-To" on bench-synching carburetors. I've noticed quite a people (me being one of them) searching for clear instructions on how to do this. At some point recently I came upon them, but I can't seem to find them anymore. So, I decided to



HOW TO: Install a Headli...

Have you ever seen those motorcycles coming at you with those headlight modulators? The pulsating headlight makes them very noticeable to other motorists. Unfortunately, these units can be rather expensive. After doing some research, I've come up wi




XJ650 Hardtail Chopper...

I came across this chopper on my countless hours spent looking at pictures of Yamaha Maxim and Seca motorcycles. I really loved the clean look of this hardtail chopper. I had the misfortune of losing my muffler on a midnight ride into Istanbul, Turk



HOW TO: Change your fork...

You noticed it sometime back, but ignored it hoping it would go away. But, it hasn't. In your embarrassment, you quickly wipe off your fork tubes when meeting friends for fear that they might say something. Worse yet, it's gotten so bad that your fr



XJ650 Adventure...

I know alot of people just come to this site for the great 'How-To's" and to get ideas for their XJ650 restoration projects but I wanted to direct you to another side of owning a Yamaha XJ650... riding! As the administrator of this blog you can gues



XJ650 Swarmed by Gypsies in Albania

Daily Deals

Cafe Racer Newfoundland Style

Posted on January 1, 2009 and filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

xjbikes 83 SECA 650 Cafe ProjectMost of my posts are about me and what I have been doing. While they are typically motorcycle and XJ650 related sometimes they are more of a rant to keep me out of the clock tower with the bottle of Southern Comfort and the high powered Italian assault rifle.

xjbikes 83 SECA 650 Cafe ProjectI go through pretty much every motorcycle website that has anything to do with Yamaha Maxims and Secas. Recently, I checked out a build page titled "83 SECA 650 Cafe Project". I have seen some nice rebuilds and some crappy ones but never one that deserved to be praised publicly, until now. When I clicked on the link the first picture I saw was this (the before shot):

I have thought about doing many things with Yamaha XJ Motorcycles, but I have never had much more than my imagination and a few images of other people's bikes to work with. Most of the ideas I've had from other people's bikes consisted of small tidbits. Maybe the handlebars off this bike, the paint off this bike, the fenders off this one, or the seats off this one. A collage of parts from many different bike only tied together in my imagination. When I saw the finished product of this guys bike I was floored. It was basically everything I had imagined in a bike only it was REAL!

xjbikes 1983 SECA XJ650 Cafe Project Newfoundland CanadaI have been staring at this bike for a long time now and I have been busy with the bike I'm taking to Europe. I am so focused on the Europe trip that I don't really have time for anything else. The reason I started this blog was so that I could keep my friends in the loop and not come out of this project looking for new friends. One of the most common comments I get when I explain to people what I'm doing is, "Why don't you just buy a new bike?" or "You're going to ride THAT through Europe? Are you crazy?" Well let me show you what my bike could look like and ask me if I'm crazy.

This bike was built by a guy in St. John's Newfoundland who goes by the moniker 'Ease' his real name is Evan King and he has made one of the best London Cafe Racer inspired XJ650 I have ever seen. Take a look:

xjbikes 1983 SECA XJ650 Cafe Project Shocks LoweredPretty amazing! Tell me this is not an absolute eye turner. Although this is not the look I'm going for on the Maxim I'm taking to Europe, it is the look I have in mind for my Yamaha XJ750 Seca. This picture has inspired me to start working on both bikes simultaneously. That and the fact that I'm a sucker for punishment.But seriously I think when I get back from Europe I will work all winter to make my Seca look like this guys bike. Then maybe I will drive it across Canada next year. Whistler, British Columbia to St. John's, Newfoundland.

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Recently Commented

  • Anonymous says:
    How would I get some of these parts cause I would like to do this but different color
  • Anonymous says:
    Excellrnt got bike fired up after 3 years and wiring harness replacement. Works on turbo
  • Anonymous says:
    Great how to thank you for the information
  • Anonymous says:
    I need to replace my flasher for my signals, any idea where i can get a manual?
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  • Elvis Glazier says:
    Some borders are harder than others. This year I did the remainder of Eastern Europe plus Turkey. I...[[More detail]]
  • Derek says:
    I lived in Adelaide for two years and almost bought a KLR 650 to do some bush riding. I'm back...[[More detail]]
  • Derek says:
    Nice looking xj. I'd love to do that ride. I've done the whole "across America"...[[More detail]]
  • Anonymous says:
    excellent article! thanks for taking the time to post it!!! in reference to the ? about 10w-30 I...[[More detail]]
  • Anonymous says:
    Air pressure in the shocks?
    Adjust it on the center stand or on the side stand? good blog.
  • Mark Lyons says:
    The article on how to change fork seals is excellent.
    I plan on performing this soon on my...[[More detail]]

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